První odevzdání do ONLINE_AW Angličtina Online – Psaný projev. Měla jsem ještě zapracovat připomínky, jenže už jsem měla dost bodů na ukončení předmětu a jiné starosti. Vkládám to sem ale schválně – chci ukázat, na jak bídné úrovni má angličtina je, a přesto jsem zahraničí bez pomoci celý měsíc před rokem zvládla. Pořád to zpětně nechápu. Ale domluvila jsem se všude, kde bylo třeba, i odborně. Zjišťuji, že když si k tématu anglicky něco čtu, pasivně fráze vím a je to pro mě lepší (z radiologie třeba, kde mám anglické učebnice). K tomuto tématu jsem anglicky nemělo načteno absolutně nic, i proto je to tak těžkopádné a neumím o tom v angličtině přemýšlet. Tak proto 🙂
Have you ever heard the sentence that there are many field of science, however the theology is not one of them? I have heard it many times with the next sentence “everyone can believe on his/her own but do not convince me!”. On the other hand, if the theology is a science, it is for everyone. There are two sides of the truth – people who are arguing that theology is the science at least from the philological view. Second side of view are those people who are saying that there are more emotions, feelings and esoteric things than science on its own. The truth is definitely between both sides of the opinion – the theology never stands alone, it uses other fields of sciences as linguistics, psychology, sociology etc.
In looking for the answer on the question if theology is as any other field in science is very appropriate to define what the science in general is. Novotný & Svobodová define science as a list of attributes (6 – 8). The first on the list is objectivity – senses are necessarily for the reality, unfortunately in science are complicated. Everything in science has should be repeated – this is the reason of building the laboratories, writing of templates etc. Secondly, impersonality. That means that the output of the research is independent on the colour, sex, financial status and other personality items of researchers. Thirdly regularities – generally in natural sciences the universal language is the mathematic which helps to describe laws. Fourthly the science should be testable and the results are the verification or the refutation of the theory. Fifthly the fields of science are accompanied. Last but not least is the usability of the knowledge to the application.
According to Wikipedia, “Theology is derived from the Greek theologia (θεολογία), which derived from theos (Θεός), meaning “god”, and -logia (-λογία), meaning “utterances, sayings, or oracles” (a word related to logos [λόγος], meaning “word, discourse, account, or reasoning”) which had passed into Latin as theologia and into French as théologie.” If we use the list above to define the theology as a science, it is very difficult. Objectivity and impersonality are possible for the theology if you are not a believer. Than you can keep your distance and do the research as a person untouched by the message in your personal life. When we take a look to the history at the prophets, they were very involved personally into messages from Bible or God. (“Wikipedia”)
Describing the theology as a science, there is also the philological part. To research old scriptures and understand to their meaning, the researcher should know the languages as Hebrew, Greece and Latin. In addition the knowledge of history is necessarily for better understanding of the time period and social relationships.
When we take a look on the other item from the list, that the science should be accompanied, there is not a large problem. The fact is, that in history many priests should do research as well – the church was the only possible way to have some knowledge. Remember to Mendel, Darwin, and Newton for instance – all of them were believers and had knowledge from the seminar. They practised the theology as a part of their research in psychology, biology etc. Goldstein wrote that Jan Kepler said: “The main point of knowledge at all is discovery of the logical law and harmony which were given by God and which God appears by the mathematical language.” At the beginning of the Bible there are written ten commandments as one of the first law for people´s behaviour. There are many examples of accompanion and application of theology and its result in the everyday life. (24)
According to the arguments above, the theology is a science approximately. Whole thing depends on the view of point. If the researcher is believer, the believing does not depend on the evidence, it is a feeling. Oppositely nonbeliever could have plenty of evidence and still it will not be enough.
Works Cited list:
Novotný, Jan; Svobodová, Jindřiška. Jak pracuje věda. Masarykova univerzita, 2014.
Unknown author. “Theology”. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Accessed 22 April 2020.
Clifford Goldstein. Pokřtěná evoluce. Advent-Orion, 2018.